2024 Southern Illinois Workshops

Further Butterfly Identification

We are offering a number of butterfly identification training workshops that go beyond our top 30 list. The three skipper sessions encompass all regions of Illinois and the Beyond the Beginner’s Checklist session on April 1st is tailored to Southern Illinois.

Making Sense of the Skippers
March 21st, 7:00 PM
Register on zoom

IBMN Beyond the Beginner’s Checklist for Southern IL
Monday, April 1st 6:00 pm – 6:30 pm
Register on zoom

Making More Sense of the Skippers
May 2nd, 7:00 PM
Register on zoom

Making Sense of the Spreadwing Skippers
May 9th, 7:00 PM
Register on zoom

IBMN/IOS Introductory Workshops

This year’s introductory training workshop for Southern IL will be held jointly with the Illinois Odonate Survey (IOS) on zoom split across two days. The workshop on March 25th consists of two sections: how to get started monitoring in both programs and how to follow the survey protocols, then identification of our most widespread butterflies in the region. The workshop on March 26th will cover dragonflies and damselfly identification. To join IBMN you are only required to attend the March 25th workshop. To join IOS you must attend the first portions of both workshops. Anyone interested in joining or learning more about both monitoring programs may attend both workshops.

Getting Started Monitoring in Southern IL
Monday, March 25th 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm
1. IBMN/IOS General Training
2. Top 30 Butterflies of Southern IL
Register on zoom

Southern IL Odonate Identification Workshop
Tuesday, March 26th 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm
1. Top 25 Odonates of Southern IL
2. De-Mystifying Damselflies
Register on zoom

Field Experiences & In Person Workshop

Check out the flier below for a weekend of butterfly and odonate outdoor field experiences. Both days provide excellent opportunities to practice sight identification, socialize with fellow monitors, and share with each other helpful tips and tricks for monitoring.