Butterfly Monitoring Season and Summer Workshop

Greetings Butterfly Monitors,

It hardly seems possible, but the butterfly monitoring season is nearly at hand. People in southern Illinois have already begun monitoring. Up here in the north, the season this year officially begins Saturday May 26. A few people have started collecting data already. Please remember to get a minimum of 6 surveys in between May 26 and August 8.

You can download field forms at bfly.org, and now at PollardBase. To find the forms on PollardBase, scroll down on the page where you sign in.

Also, I’d like to announce our summer workshop:

Recommended for: All interested parties
Description: The annual IBMN field experience will take place Saturday, July 7th (rain date July 14), at Gensburg-Markham Prairie. Come hone your identification skills with us. In addition to representatives from the top 25 species, we expect rarities such as two-spot skippers, dion skippers, and Acadian hairstreaks. If we are really lucky we might even get to see a byssus skipper.
Location: Gensburg-Markham Prairie. Go north from Route 6 on Whipple Ave (next to the McDonalds). A small parking lot is at the end of Whipple.
Date and time: Saturday, July 7th, 2018. 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM. (rain date July 14)
Registration: Registration is recommended but not required. Call Allen Lawrance at 773-755-5131 or e-mail him.

We hope to see you there!

Doug Taron